Registration is open now for Baseball, Softball, and Farm League! Upper Division (League Ages 8 to 12) is set to close on 1/11.
To learn more about the SVLL Youth Umpire Program, click the image.
Thank You - To everybody that participated in our 2nd Annual SVLL Golf Tournament. Looking forward to doing it again next Summer!
Follow Snoqualmie Valley Little League on Facebook
Parent and Coaches PCA Workshop dates will be shared in the future
Now can get get SVLL gear branded with the new SVLL Logo. Find branded hats, shirts, sweatshirts, and hitting jackets. You can also pick up baseball pants.
Volunteers Needed for the SVLL Concession Stand. You can sign up for a time slot today .
Our Mission...
Find the field status for Si View Parks (Torguson) and City of Snoqualmie fields.
A photo to commemorate the first game of the 2019 tee-ball season!
Snoqualmie Valley Little League, PO Box 351North Bend, Washington 98045
Email: [email protected]