Q: When and how do I register and when does registration close?
See the registration page for more details.
Q: How are teams formed?
A: Upper Division players are assigned to a team through a Player Draft. All players must attend a skills assessment, which assists our managers in creating balanced and competitive teams. No coach or players requests can be made at this level. Every player will be drafted onto a team.
Farm League teams are formed at random. SVLL Farm League will not grant player requests for specific coaches. We will be assigning players by Elementary School identified in the registration process, to attempt to keep players/teams local.
The only exceptions to this rule are:
Siblings will play on the same team, unless otherwise requested.
Managers will always have their child on their team, unless otherwise requested.
Managers may request up to two additional children to play on their team.
Q: What days are events held?
A: Program-dependent times are approximately as follows:
- Tee Ball: Tuesdays/Thursdays
- Sluggers: Tuesdays/Thursdays and some Saturdays
- Single-A: Mondays/Wednesdays and some Saturday
Q: When does the season start?
A: Program-dependent season start times are as follows:
- Upper Division practices start the first week of March. Game will start the third week of March.
- Farm League practices start after Spring Break and games will start mid-May
Q: Are there games during Spring Break or Memorial Day weekend?
A: No. There are no games when school is on break.
Q: What division should my child play?
A: Little League uses what is called "league age" to determine a player's recommended division. Their school grade or other factors are not considered when placing players in the recommended division. *Note - there are different league age charts for boys and girls.
Q: What clothing/equipment will my child need?
SVLL provides most of the necessary gear, including catcher's gear, individual batting helmets, team bats, balls and uniform jerseys and hats. Gloves, cleats, protective cups, uniform pants and socks are to be purchased by the families.